GERD Specialist
Center for Advanced Surgery
Gastro-Esophageal and Endoscopic Surgeons located in Dallas, Plano, & Tyler, TX
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common health issue, affecting up to 20% of Americans. Board-certified gastroesophageal surgeons Marc Ward, MD, and Steven Leeds, MD, at the Center for Advanced Surgery in Dallas, Plano, and Tyler, Texas, diagnose GERD and offer surgical treatment for advanced cases that haven’t responded to other treatments. If you need advanced treatment for GERD, call the Center for Advanced Surgery or schedule a consultation online today.
What is GERD?
GERD is a common condition that occurs when stomach acid escapes your stomach and travels up your esophagus. Many people experience heartburn occasionally and disregard their symptoms, which could include:
- Burning sensation in your chest that’s worse after eating or at night
- Chest pain
- Problems swallowing
- Regurgitation
- Feeling like you have a lump in your throat
- Chronic cough
- New or intensifying asthma
- Sleep disruptions
When left untreated, GERD can cause complications that include narrowing of your esophagus, ulcers, and Barrett’s esophagus.

What causes GERD?
GERD develops when the lower esophageal sphincter — the opening between your esophagus and stomach — relaxes or weakens and allows stomach acid to enter your esophagus. The continuous backwash of stomach acid irritates and inflames the lining of your esophagus.
Your risk of developing GERD increases if you’re overweight, smoke, or consume a lot of high-fat food, alcohol, or coffee. Conditions like delayed stomach emptying, hiatal hernias, and connective tissue disorders also raise your chances of getting GERD.
How is GERD diagnosed?
The team at the Center for Advanced Surgery provides thorough exams and testing to diagnose and evaluate the severity of your condition.
The most effective test for GERD is a pH study, such as a 24-hour pH catheter or probe. This test measures the levels of acid in your esophagus, which confirms your diagnosis.
The team also uses endoscopy, manometry, and X-rays to look for signs of ulcers, abnormal tissue, and weakness in the muscles of your esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter.
How do you treat GERD?
If you’ve tried medicines and other conservative treatments for GERD without relief, the team at the Center for Advanced Surgery offers surgical procedures to repair or strengthen your lower esophageal sphincter.
They also perform procedures to address other conditions like hiatal hernias that can cause GERD.
The surgeons use minimally invasive techniques to use the upper part of the stomach to reinforce the lower esophageal sphincter. By strengthening the opening between the stomach and esophagus, your stomach acid is less likely to escape.
LINX uses a ring of magnetic beads to surround your lower esophageal sphincter. The magnetic beads are flexible enough to allow swallowing, and when necessary, vomiting. However, they help keep your lower esophageal sphincter closed, so stomach acid doesn’t escape.
If you need surgical treatment for GERD, call the Center for Advanced Surgery or make an appointment online today.
"We see patients for Gastroesophageal reflux disease, Achalasia, and Hiatal Hernia. Call us to book your appointment today."